There has been more than a week since my last post... I'm so sorry. It has been really stressful these last days. Work, visits, dinners, anniversary, Halloween... I couldn't find the time to let you know even that I have a new look!
Last saturday I cut my hair! I was planning it for weeks and, finally, last weekend I did it. My hair really needed to be repaired... Fortunately, grunge is back in trend and I could keep wearing my hair roots bigger and bigger without looking weirdo ☺

I really like my new hair cut! But I think in the pictures looks different... well, you will have to get used to it.. hope you like it. New look needs new cloths, don't you think? So I bought some new dresses like this white one. I wanted to buy a black one, but then I thought that I have lots in that color... so I went for the white one. I like it when combining with more urban accessories like a denim jacket, print animal and fake leather sneakers and a fabric shopping bag.
It was almost november and we have 28 degrees in Barcelona! C-R-A-Z-Y. Next day I was walking with flip-flops and sitting with my friends on the beach... I can't love you more, Barcelona!

I hope you had a wonderful Halloween... Tonight I'm going to The Last 3 Lines' concert. They release today their new EP New Songs for Old Rites and I can't wait to listen to it live! I will let you know soon how it was...
- end of the Obsession -
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