HIf anything defines and characterizes Marseille, that is the sea. With a coastline of 57 km, 24 km of wonderful beaches and a seaport covering almost 70 kilometers of coastline, Marseille has an undeniably long and strong relation with the sea.
Si algo define y caracteriza a Marsella, eso es el mar. Con una costa de 57 km, 24 km de maravillosas calas y un puerto marítimo que cubre casi 70 kilómetros de costa, Marsella es una ciudad indiscutiblemente orientada al mar.
On our second day in Marseille, we walked along our neighborhood Cours Julien, locally and fondly know as Cours Ju'. This quarter is know as the artists, rebels, musicians and "bobos" (bohemian-bourgeois) district. The statement is made clear at every single corner: creativity has easily pulled into the lead here.
El segundo día en Marsella decidimos dar una vuelta por nuestro barrio, Cours Julien, conocido localmente como Cours Ju'. Es considerado el barrio de artistas, rebeldes, músicos y "bobos" (burgués-bohemio). Esto queda claro en cuanto pones un pie en el barrio. Cada esquina es una declaración visual de ello, de la creatividad que campa a sus anchas por el barrio.

I've just arrived in Marseille, where I will spend Christmas' Holidays. It is my first time is this city of contrasts and I'm liking it. These are pictures of my first hours here. We are staying in the area of Cours Julien where you have the feeling you are in Algeria if it wasn't for the french architecture.
Acabo de llegar a Marsella, donde pasaré las navidades. Es la primera vez que visito está ciudad de contrastes. Estas son algunas fotos de mis primeras horas aquí. Estamos alojados por la zona de Cours Julien que, si no fuera por la arquitectura francesa, bien podría tratarse de Argelia!
Bigfoot, Moriarty, Gilberta and I woke up in sunny beautiful Rome with the 8th passenger inside our personal happiness bubble, my huge foot. We could hardly fit him inside my lovely Russian Doll sneakers and make him walk for hours. But we did and this is how we all 4 together spend a friendly day in Rome.
Bigfoot, Moriarty, Gilberta y yo nos despertamos envueltas aun en nuestra burbuja particular (cuyo tamaño se había incrementado para dar espacio al octavo pasajero: mi pie). En fin, la soleada y maravillosa Roma nos esperaba, asi que, conseguimos meter a bigfoot en las maravillosas Russian Doll y hacerlo caminar (durante horas).
Some days ago, The Last 3 Lines shared their italian tour dates on facebook. My friend Gilberta forwarded this event to me, adding a simple: Let's go? I've already had plans for that weekend. I was going to Vienna for work and had already planned to extend my stay there for the weekend. I thought of rejecting my friend's offer when my other friend, Moriarty, just brought us attention to her disappointment for not including her in our plans. "You are never able to come with us!" was our excuse. Moriarty said that this time she WAS ABLE to come with us. We decided to put her to the test. Next day she had time, prices and destination in her email. She confirmed: OK, I'm in! Well, I think this was Moriarty's biggest and fastest YES so, we couldn't go back now. Vienna's long weekend would have to wait and Rome became our destination and first travel all three together! (and Moriarty's first travel alone with friends)
The Last 3 Lines publicó hace un tiempo las fechas de su gira en Italia. Mi amiga Gilberta compartió el evento conmigo y añadió un simple: vamos? Tenía planificado quedarme en Viena ese fin de semana porque esa semana tenía que ir a la capital austríaca por trabajo y pensaba prolongar mi estancia hasta el domingo. Pensé en rechazar la propuesta de mi amiga. Entonces, mi otra amiga Moriarty se enfadó porque no le habíamos incluido en el plan. "Nunca puedes venir" fue nuestra excusa. Moriarty dijo que esta vez SÍ podía venir. Decidimos ponerla a prueba. Al día siguiente, tenía la propuesta completa en su mail: horarios, precios, destino. OK, respondió ella, me apunto! Este SÍ tan rotundo significaba que Moriarty viajaría por primera vez con amigas, que viajaríamos juntas por primera vez y que ya nadie podía echarse atrás. La visita a Viena sería breve. El fin de semana lo pasaría en Roma con mis amigas.
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"I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness." |
Today was the release of the awaited short film Tropico by Lana del Rey! Lana, the singer which name can't be pronounced without the surname, because it loses its charm, the singer with most detractors and defenders, the lady that caught my senses the first second I heard her. I'm not a fan, but her deep voice, visual language, languid look and the fragility that conveys inspires me and gets me melancholich. Winter sadness, summer sadness... the kind of melancholy that makes you smile in the darkness.
Hoy se ha estrenado el esperadísimo nuevo videoclip de Lana del Rey, Tropico (quería simplemente escribir Lana, pero qué es Lana sin del Rey?). Sé que tiene muchos detractores (y otros tanto admiradores incondicionales) pero a mi Lana me gustó de inmediato. Su lenguaje visual, su voz grave, su mirada lánguida y la fragilidad que transmite conforman un mundo que me inspira y me pone melancólica. Melancolía de invierno, melancolía de verano, esa melancolía que te hace sonreír en la oscuridad.

Well, it seams that I can't find the time to post more regularly... This winter is being crazy with so many travels, plans, work... that I don't really find the time to sit down and write! But looks like is going to be a very busy year with already many travels and projects in perspective! Just the way I like (although I'm saying it sitting in my sofa, with my house coat, coffee in my hand while begging for this sunday never to finish).
My dear beloved Obsessed, it's been a while since my last post, but this week has been crazy at work and couldn't find the time to bring you more new obsessions (although I've crossed so many!)
New Victorian style

By now you probably now my feebleness for Dracula and his legend. So, you won't be surprise by my new Obsessions; the new NBC series Dracula. I just started watching it recently and immediately become addicted. Jonathan Rhys Meyers really makes you believe that you are in front of the most alluring Dracula.

The Last 3 Lines is one of my biggest Obsessions. If you know me, yo know The Last 3 Lines. It is a fact :) TL3L is an indie rock band based in Barcelona or, as they describe themselves, humans from Barcelona performing bearded psychedelic rock since 2007.

Last saturday one of my dearest friend came to visit me in Barcelona. We know each other for years and she is like the little sister I never had. Esther and I met in Esther's hometown, Nürnberg (Germany). She was my host family when I was learning German but soon became my best friend. I still have a box full of letters she wrote me during all this years (or at least until internet changed that for emails). There aren't enough words to describe how much I love her.

There has been more than a week since my last post... I'm so sorry. It has been really stressful these last days. Work, visits, dinners, anniversary, Halloween... I couldn't find the time to let you know even that I have a new look!

We can feel it everywhere... Halloween is coming. I know that many of you, my dear Obsessed readers, don't like this celebration because you feel this is an american creation with hidden commercial purposes... but I love Halloween. Is the day when you really feel winter is coming: the colors, the food, the darkness, the mystery, the legends... The atmosphere is magical. I love dressing up gloomy and organizing thematic dinners with my friends (even if the often show up undressed!)
Besides our Vlad Tepes tour, we visited other beautiful places in Transylvania such as Sibiu, Brasov or Peles Castle. Places not directly related to Vlad but worth visiting. The first city we went after crossing the Carpathian mountains was Sibiu, which was designated European Capital of Culture in 2007.
The last destination of our Vlad Tepes tour was the Lake Snagov. About 40 kilometers north of Bucharest, on an island in the middle of the Lake, lays the monastery with the same name. Built around the time of Vlad the Impaler's grandfather, the monastery has become famous as the burial place of the infamous prince of Walachia, Vlad Tepes aka Dracula.
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photo by By Natasha von Geldern |
"The view was magnificent, and from where I stood there was every opportunity of seeing it. The castle is on the very edge of a terrific precipice. A stone falling from the window would fall a thousand feet without touching anything! As far as the eye can reach is a sea of green tree tops, with occasionally a deep rift where there is a chasm. Here and there are silver threads where the rivers wind in deep gorges through the forests.
But I am not in heart to describe beauty, for when I had seen the view I explored further. Doors, doors, doors everywhere, and all locked and bolted. In no place save from the windows in the castle walls is there an available exit. The castle is a veritable prison, and I am a prisoner!"
Dracula (Bram Stoker)
After our beautiful trip through the Carphatians we went to our next destination, Sighisoara, birthplace of Vlad Tepeș. We arrive late at night, under heavy rain and with Coppola's Dracula's OST on in our car... I know how it sounds, but arriving to Sighisoara was breathless.
Last Monday Findlay, one of my most recent obsessions (as you know from my previous post) released her new video Greasy Love. I couldn't love more the aesthetic of this video. Turn up the volume and enjoy!

I think this is going to be one of my favorites posts. The best part of my trip and the most amazing scenery. I couldn't wait to show you my way to Transylvania through The Carpathian mountains: The Transfăgărășan, the road that connects the historic regions of Transylvania and Wallachia, through the highest peak in the country, Moldoveanu, and the second highest, Negoiu.
As you know, I was on holidays in Romania for a week. Visiting Romania was one of my dreams since I was a child and heard for the first time about Dracula... It may sound superficial or childish, but the truth is that since then, the words Moldavia, Wallachia, Transylvania and Carpathians were the most mysterious and evocative words in my own imaginary. Magic places with the most beautiful names I could think of.
Today I want to present you the band that won my heart after its concert at Kutxa Kultur Festibala: Belako, my new Obsession. Josu (guitar, keyboards, vocals), Cris (keyboards, vocals), Lore (bass, vocals) and Lander (drums) are the young members of Belako (name of the abandoned factory where they rehearse, in the industrial city of Munguia, Basque Country). None of them reaches the age of 20 years.
Kutxa Kultur Festibala is a beautiful, small festival located on top of a mountain inside an amusement park, which makes the whole experience unique and, above all, fun! Four stages and two days of music at a unique location make the festival worth to visit.
To close properly the summer season, I went to the last music festival of my own selection in 2013: Kutxa Kultur Festibala in beautiful St. Sebastian, my hometown.
Today I'm starting my holidays in Transylvania. Finally. A destination in my heart since I can remember. Here some inspiration I've collected for my trip. Hope to bring you soon more pictures and souvenirs from Romania! La revedere!
She is just one of my biggest Obsessions. Her beauty amazes me every time I see it. She is just the perfection of beauty for me. There is not so much about her on the internet, but so many photos, with so many different perspectives of the same Teresa.
Follow her on:
instagram: @diddysback
- end of the obssession -
As I explained you in my previous posts, the line up at In The Woods was also secret. I really like the idea of going to a festival to discover new music, without a tight schedule where you try to fit all the artists you wanna see in one or two days. The secret line up allows you to go to the festival more relaxed and with the emotion of hopefully being positively surprised.
Another think I like form the In The Woods festival is that the concert are never simultaneous so that you can really listen to all the artists and not miss any new talent.
At In The Woods we were shooting a video about the festival. A fun job, but still work so, some comfy outfit was necessary.
The festival took place at the end of August and I thought it was going to be hot and summery... well, the sun shone the whole day, but inside the woods was cold. I had so many cool, summer, festival outfits, but I quickly realized I have to dress less summery and more wintry... so I didn't have much options. Amazing how much can change the temperature inside the thick woods, no wonder that the bonfire was the most awaited event after sunset!
As you know from my previous post, I spent some days in the english countryside, but I think I didn't explain you why. Well, I literally fulfilled one of my dreams: go to the In The Woods festival.
Last week I spend some days in Kent, the county in South England traditionally known as "The Garden of England". From the moment we arrived and saw the amazing nature and green area, I didn't want to go back home for a while. it was exactly what I needed, countryside, nature and some peace.
I always say a have a french soul and even if it sound cliché, I really feel myself deeply connected with the french culture. My mother always tells me that when I was little and she told me that I was going to a german school I scream I wanted to go to a french one! If you knew my mother you would have already guessed that I went to a german school... But from that moment on I just saw french movies and french TV, I fall in love with Baudelaire, Monet, Balzac, la Nouvelle Vague and Elodie Bouchez and as soon as I could I start french lessons and, later on, moved to Paris.
Siempre he dicho que mi alma es francesa y que, incluso si suena tópico, me siento profundamente conectada con la cultura francesa. Mi madres siempre me cuenta que, cuando era pequeña y me dijeron que me habían apuntado al colegio alemán, yo grité que quería ir a las escuelas francesas! Si conocieseis a mi madre, ya habríais deducido que acabé en el colegio alemán! Pero, desde ese momento, mis pasiones fueron Baudelaire, Monet, Balzac, la Nouvelle Vague y Elodie Bouchez y, en cuanto tuve poder de decisión, empecé a estudiar francés y me mudé a París.
Siempre he dicho que mi alma es francesa y que, incluso si suena tópico, me siento profundamente conectada con la cultura francesa. Mi madres siempre me cuenta que, cuando era pequeña y me dijeron que me habían apuntado al colegio alemán, yo grité que quería ir a las escuelas francesas! Si conocieseis a mi madre, ya habríais deducido que acabé en el colegio alemán! Pero, desde ese momento, mis pasiones fueron Baudelaire, Monet, Balzac, la Nouvelle Vague y Elodie Bouchez y, en cuanto tuve poder de decisión, empecé a estudiar francés y me mudé a París.

Some weeks ago I went to China for work and decided to stay and spend there also my holidays. I know, lucky me that I could take advantage of the situation and stay longer in this mysterious and enigmatic country. Truth be told, I never thought of China as a travel destination. Why? I've no idea. Although is an ancient and millennial culture, with an incredible history, China didn't inspire me enough to go there.

If Obsessions is about something, it is about little things I come across in life. The unexpected can surprise me any time and can make me feel anxious for knowing more, for discovering everything behind it, becoming a new Obsession. It can be anything... images, music, places, people…
You remember my last post where my friend Tania was looking for poppy backgrounds for her dress. Well, I was more into earth tones to match with my 60s cut dress in cream color, brown leather sandals and my favorite vintage bag from my mother (which was a present from my father when they were dating!)
My old good friend Tania came to visit me and we spend a long weekend together in the city! Instead of trying different looks, we decided to try different backgrounds for one look! A good excuse to walk through the beautiful Barcelona looking for the perfect setting for our look! We did not only discover many amazing places (enough material for another post about Barcelona), but we also had a lot of fun becoming perfectly fused with the city.
I let you this sensuous video full of beauty to smoothly enter into the mood of weekend...
“I never settle anywhere, so I’m always out of my comfort zone. I find that very inspiring.”
I came across this talented artist a couple of days ago, and I couldn't wait to let you know about her in Obsessions. The first thing that caught my attention was the agony and desperation of her video: "Destruction of the disgusting ugly hate" and the fact that I can't stop singing this song.
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