Some weeks ago I went to China for work and decided to stay and spend there also my holidays. I know, lucky me that I could take advantage of the situation and stay longer in this mysterious and enigmatic country. Truth be told, I never thought of China as a travel destination. Why? I've no idea. Although is an ancient and millennial culture, with an incredible history, China didn't inspire me enough to go there.

But when the destiny knocks at your door, you can't close one's ears to it. So, when I was told to go to China I immediately change my holiday plans! So, I got my tickets but no clue what next. Fortunately, my parents are like Willy Fog and travel a lot. They have been almost every where in this world. So I call my mother for advise: which route shall I do?
Answer: The Silk Road
I always wanted to visit Mongolia. My dream land. But this year wasn't possible, so the Silk Road was the best option for me, because is on the north of China, very close to Mongolia and even the people there is more mongolian than chinese. So, route chosen!

My trip consisted of two weeks time, starting and ending in Shanghai. Since I was traveling alone, I didn't plan the route very much. I left it open in order to easily change plan if new people or advices came across. I just booked my accommodation in Beijing. Beijing was where I was starting my holidays (in Shanghai I was for work) so I decided to book a nice hostel, even if it was a little bit over price for Chinese standards, to nicely acclimate myself to this new country. I book in a very beautiful and well decorated hostel in beijing called Peking Yard Hostel . The hostel is set in a courtyard house which is more than 200 years old. The staff cuts flowers every morning so the whole place smells delicious from morning until night.
I met so many nice people along my travel. Everybody was kind and I could learn more about the culture, the history and, above all, the people. People that helped me all the way, invited me to fabulous food, explain me the things I was seeing or that simply took me out at night to have fun. I really enjoyed my days in China so much that I'm planing to go back!
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